Senior Services

Alzheimer’s Association
The Alzheimer’s Association relies on dedicated volunteers to achieve our vision of a world without Alzheimer’s and all other dementia. We seek committed, passionate volunteers to educate the public, lead support groups, provide social engagement to those living with early-stage Alzheimer’s, participate on Walk to End Alzheimer’s and The Longest Day committees, support advocacy efforts and more. For more information about these opportunities and how to get involved, please contact Joan Carl at or 845.763.4696. For more information about the Hudson Valley Chapter, please visit

Circle of Friends for the Dying
Volunteers are vital to the day-to-day work of attending to our residents and their families and visitors. We welcome all volunteers and provide training in your areas of interest. Some people prefer working directly with the residents as caregivers while others prefer to help with maintenance of the Circle Home and grounds. It’s your choice; you’re welcome to choose how and when you’d like to be involved.
More info:

Harvesting a Lifetime Living History Project
We are asking for volunteers, from high school age on up, to interview & record the treasured memories, stories & history of seniors from our community, as well as seniors interested in sharing their stories. The conversations will be recorded, and uploaded to our website to begin to build a Virtual Archive of Ulster County’s Living History. Editors especially needed. More info.

Hudson Valley Hospice
The number of families using Hospice services for end-of-life care continues to increase. With this growth comes the opportunity for more volunteers to support the work of our Hospice team. Patient care volunteers are needed to provide support and companionship to patients and their families, assist with transportation or run errands for patients. We are also seeking veteran volunteers for our Veteran-to-Veteran Program. Other Hospice volunteer opportunities include community outreach and fundraising help for special events, administrative volunteers for office support, and volunteer couriers to make deliveries. For more information in Ulster County please call Robin Succar, Volunteer Coordinator, 845-240-7597.

Jewish Family Services
Volunteer opportunities include transportation for seniors, Friendly Visiting by phone, Volunteers with expertise – marketing, web. administration
The Volunteer Assistance Program: Helps aging individuals remain independent. Volunteers are trained and supervised by JFSUC to visit, provide transportation, and other services. or 338-2980
Volunteers Needed for the REST Program: Jewish Family Services and The Ulster County Office for the Aging are extending an invitation to you to become involved with your community in a very meaningful way – as volunteer companions for the REST Program (Respite Education & Support Tools). The REST Program provides volunteers with an opportunity to be trained and then paired with local families to provide respite for caregivers.
The REST Program is looking to partner with existing groups and communities of faith who serve seniors.
REST will provide customized training for existing volunteers based on the unique mission of each program.
In addition, the Director, who is a Masters prepared psychiatric nurse, will provide ongoing support to each partnership.
Caregivers Support groups currently on zoom are available to anyone in the community who could use a little more support.
Groups consist of persons caring for loved ones with a wide variety of conditions. Groups provide a space for caregivers to share their experiences and the emotions associated with this difficult work. Participants share their expertise and have the facilitator, who is an RN, as an available resource. Groups are free and without obligations.
There is a Bereavement Group held twice a month on zoom as well. This is an opportunity to connect to others who are grieving, to share a personal story and to be supported by others who are experiencing many of the same feelings.
Kindly contact Judith Bromley MS, RN at 845-338-2980 for additional information on any of the above.

Jim & Lisa’s Circle Home
100 Wurts Street, Kingston Rondout Historic District
Volunteers Needed!
Circle Home offers the safety and warmth of home and family to individuals in our community who lack the support and means to remain in their own homes during their final days.
Volunteers are the heart of Circle Home, a community supported comfort care home for the dying, helping to provide care for our residents and their friends and families, and tending to the daily upkeep of the house and garden.
To apply to become a volunteer, go to
For additional information, contact us at
or call 845 802-0970

Long Term Care Community Coalition (LTCCC) Volunteer Advocates
The Long Term Care Community Coalition (LTCCC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving quality of care, quality of life and dignity for elderly and disabled people in nursing homes, assisted living and other residential settings. Since 2015, LTCCC has been proud to host the Hudson Valley LTC Ombudsman Program. We are looking for people in Orange, Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Sullivan, and Ulster counties who are interested in a flexible volunteer opportunity to become a long term care ombudsman*, providing resident centered advocacy in long term care facilities. Includes free training.
Please call 845-229-4680 x 102; email:
*An ombudsman is a person who investigates complaints, reports findings, and mediates fair settlements, especially between an individual consumer and an institution or organization. [Swedish for ‘citizen advocate’] A certified Long Term Care Ombudsman is a professionally trained and certified advocate who resolves issues with long term care facilities on behalf of residents and their families.

Volunteers needed who have time to visit Seniors (many who have no family) a couple times per month.
289 Fair Street Kingston, NY 12401 If you wish to get involved contact Tara Collins, Director of Communications & Resource Development, (845) 331-2140 ext. 276.

Settled and Serving in Place
Formed in the Spring of 2011, a group of neighbors gathered people from the 209 corridor (south of Kingston, NY) to discuss how they might help one another remain independent, strengthen their communities, and stay in their own homes. Our group relies on the volunteers–neighbor helping neighbor. We have nurses, business people, artists, homemakers, computer specialists, doctors, lawyers, educators–people with all kinds of skills. More info.

Ulster County Office for the Aging Volunteer Program
If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering or just as importantly needs to find out about some of the services offered, please contact the Ulster County Office for the Aging Volunteer Program at 845-802-7655. For the Neighbor to Neighbor program, helping seniors get to medical appointments, please call 845-802-7661.

Volunteer Opportunities


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Alzheimer’s Association

Alzheimer’s Association

The Alzheimer’s Association relies on dedicated volunteers to achieve our vision of a world without Alzheimer’s and all other dementia. We seek committed, passionate volunteers to educate the public, lead support groups, provide social engagement to those living with...

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HomeShareUlster County

HomeShareUlster County

HomeShare Woodstock is now HomeShareUlster County! Our newly opened Kingston program is now accepting applications from interested Home Providers and Home Seekers in our new Match Area- City of Kingston!  Home sharing matches a Home Provider (person with extra room in...

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Farm to Food Pantry Blueberry Gleaning

Farm to Food Pantry Blueberry Gleaning

When: Monday and Wednesday mornings, 9-11am from end of June to early August Where: Hudson Valley Farm Hub Farm Stand 2324 US-209, Hurley, NY Please join us for blueberry gleaning at the Hudson Valley Farm Hub Farm Stand, 2324 US-209, Hurley, NY, Monday and Wednesday...

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Volunteers Needed for the REST Program

EVEN CAREGIVERS NEED A BREAK Volunteers Needed for the REST Program Jewish Family Services and The Ulster County Office for the Aging are extending an invitation to you to become involved with your community in a very meaningful way - as volunteer companions for the...

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Volunteer opportunity Map

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331