
Ulster County Government Website
1091 Development Ct.
Kingston, NY
Phone: 845-334-5100

Ulster County Office for the Aging seeks volunteers in the following areas:

  • Volunteers willing to assist as shoppers or with grocery pickup, chore doers, light maintenance volunteers for area seniors
  • Warm Callers – folks who are willing to call isolated seniors regularly so they hear a friendly voice, have someone to speak to
  • Volunteer drivers and dispatchers, with clerical office work for our Neighbor to Neighbor Medical appt driving program
  • Help at various pantries like Angel Food East, People’s Place, Rondout Valley Food Pantry
  • Drivers for those pantries, and cooks
  • Caregiver group respite
  • Help at area nursing home for transporting, activities, companionship
  • Volunteers willing to be trained to be ombudsmen in nursing homes
  • Coaches for evidence-based programming which help folks learn to live more safely and wholly

To learn more please contact Sue Koppenhaver at or 845-340-3456.

Ulster County Medical Reserve Corps
Calling all community-minded volunteers interested in disaster preparedness, public health, and public safety – it begins with you!
Become a part of the Ulster County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), a network of volunteers who support the County’s Departments of Health and Emergency Services in protecting health, preserving life, and administering aid and assistance during times of disaster and community need
More info:

Kingston Website

Ellenville Website

Marbletown Website

League of Women Voters Observer Corps
The League of Women Voters is the nation’s largest and longest-standing grassroots voter registration organization. In the Mid-Hudson Region, we host voter registration tables and conduct other voter education activities throughout the year. We use organizing, education, and advocacy to empower people to participate in our democracy. Below are some of our current activities – please join us! Whether you want to actively talk to new citizens or students about voting or helping to organize events behind the scenes, we would love to have your help. Click any one of the activities to learn more and then fill out the form for a specific activity to volunteer. If you have any questions, email us directly. We have opportunities each month, so please click the month you are interested in volunteering to see what’s available. (845) 340-2003

Volunteer Opportunities


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Ulster County Medical Reserve Corps

Ulster County Medical Reserve Corps

Calling all community-minded volunteers interested in disaster preparedness, public health, and public safety – it begins with you! Become a part of the Ulster County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), a network of volunteers who support the County’s Departments of Health...

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AARP Foundation Tax-Aide seeks volunteers

AARP Foundation Tax-Aide seeks volunteers

Are you looking for a rewarding volunteer opportunity that can put your experience and skills to good use, while helping others in your community? AARP Foundation Tax-Aide are looking for volunteers to become certified tax preparers. Help low and moderate-income...

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So much gratitude…

We are so grateful to the Ulster County Emergency Services team (including our Ulster County Animal Response Team!), the American Red Cross Eastern New York, National Guard, our municipal leaders, and all of the incredible volunteers who worked so hard through the...

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Ulster County Office for the Aging seeks volunteers

Ulster County Office for the Aging seeks volunteers in the following areas: Warm Callers – folks who are willing to call isolated seniors regularly so they hear a friendly voice, have someone to speak to Volunteer drivers for our Neighbor to Neighbor Medical appt...

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Map of Volunteer opportunities

Volunteer opportunity Map

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331