Food Pantries and Meal Programs

Map of Ulster County Food Pantries, Meal Programs and UCAT bus lines, developed & maintained by UlsterCorps & Family of Woodstock.
Google Map of Food Pantries & UCAT bus routes
developed by Ulster County BOCES New Visions Health Career Explorations students & UlsterCorps, 2011-2025
Google Map of Ulster Farms, Farmers Markets & Food Pantries
developed by UlsterCorps, 2009-2025
PDF Map of Pantries and UCAT bus routes
developed by UlsterCorps, 2011-2025
en Espanol
Creado en 2017-2025 por UlsterCorps y La Familia de Woodstock
PDF Text List of Pantries with hours
developed by UlsterCorps, 2010-2025
Town of Rochester Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 626-7501
15 Tobacco Road, Accord, NY 12404
Hours: Wed. 3:30-5:30PM, Fri. 10AM-12PM
Reservoir Food Pantry
4073 Route 28 Boiceville NY
Phone: 845-663-3353
Hours: Food Distribution: Monday afternoons 2-4pm
Community Action – Food Pantry, Headstart, Emergency Services, Outreach
Phone: (845) 338-8750×300
2 Clinton Ave, Ellenville, NY 12428
Hours: Mon – Fri 8 AM – 4 PM
Ellenville Seventh Day Adventist Church – Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 647-5998 – Admin.
161 Center St, Ellenville, NY 12428
Hours: Mon, Tue 1 pm – 4 pm, last week of each month only.
Ellenville United Methodist Church – Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 647-7094 – Admin
85 Canal St / PO Box 591, Ellenville, NY 12428
Hours: Thursday 9:15-10:30am
Closed the 5th Wednesday of the month
Family of Ellenville – Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 647-2443
221 Canal St, Ellenville, NY 12428
Hours: Mon- Fri 9am – 4:30pm, Wed 10am – 5pm
Volunteer help needed in food pantry.
St. Mary’s & St. Andrew’s Roman Catholic Church Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 647-6080 x. 304
137 South Main St, Ellenville, NY 12428
Hours: Thursdays, 10am – 2pm
Ulster Heights Methodist Church Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 647-4327
1264 Ulster Heights Rd. Ellenville, NY 12428
Hours: 3rd Wed of the month 3PM-6PM
Volunteers needed!
Ulster County Community Action Mobile Food Pantry
Ellenville & surrounding areas
Phone: (845) 338-8750 Ext 105
For senior shut-ins who are not able to come to the food pantries
Ascension Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 384-6723 – leave message or 845-532-2876 or 845-834-6014
1585 Route 9W, West Park
Hours: 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month, 12:30 – 2pm

Interactive Google Map of Ulster County Food Pantries with hours. Developed by UlsterCorps & Family of Woodstock.
Helping Hands Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 564-1153
2221 Route 44-55 Gardiner, NY 12525
Hours: Thurs 11am – 12:30PM
Ascension Holy Trinity Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 384-6723 – leave message or 845-532-2876 or 845-834-6014
21 Grand St, Highland
Hours: Sat 10am-12pm and the third (3rd) Wednesday evening of the month, from 6-8 PM.
Family Outreach – Food Pantry, Home Delivered Meals
Phone: (845) 380-8799 – leave message
529 Rt 44/55, Highland, NY 12528
Hours: 2nd/4th Wednesday of the Month 2-6pm
Community Fridge & Cupboard at the Highland Public Library
14 Elting Place, Highland, NY 12528
Phone: 845-691-2275
Hours: Open Mon-Sat during library hours (Monday 10-5, Tuesday 12-7, Wednesday 10-7, Thursday 12-7, Friday 10-5, Saturday 10-4, Saturday Summer Hours 10-1)
Angel Food East
Phone: 845-331-6538
St Johns Church 207 Albany Avenue, Kingston NY 12401
Hours: Mondays & Thursdays 8am – 12pm
We deliver to those living with HIV+/AIDS and other chronic illnesses who are essentially homebound
Angel Food East is also currently in need of delivery drivers who come in every Thursday between 10:00 and 11:00 to deliver meals to our clients around Ulster County. We have one weekly position open and are looking for 5 substitute drivers to cover routes when our drivers are unavailable. Volunteers must have a car and a valid driver’s license. The time commitment is 2-3 hours per week, and always on Thursdays. This is a great opportunity for individuals, couples, families, and groups. Interested volunteers should contact Angel Food East by phone at (845) 331-6538, email the kitchen manager at, or fill out an interest form on our website –
Catholic Charities Food Pantry
(First time visitors should bring ID for each member of the household and proof of eligibility for SNAP (i.e. benefit card) or proof of household income if not eligible for SNAP)
Phone: (845) 340-9170
(845) 288-2662 – Immigration Line
6 Adams St, Kingston NY 12401
Hours: Tue & Fri, 10am-3pm
Volunteers are needed to organize the food items, keep order in public spaces, and assist clients with their needs.
Community Action – Extra Helpings, Headstart,
Emergency Services, Outreach
Phone: (845) 338-8750 – Admin
70 Lindsley St, Kingston, NY 12401
Hours: Mon-Fri 8 am – 4PM
Heavenbound Food Pantry
Phone: 845-616-3211
100 Lucas Ave, Kingston 12401
Hours: 1st, 3rd, 5th Thursdays 11am-1pm; 2nd & 4th Thursdays 4:30-6:30pm
Hudson Valley Community Services
(845) 339-3281
144 Pine Street, Kingston
Hours: M-F 9am-5pm
People’s Place – Food Pantry, Clothing
Phone: (845) 338-4030
17 St. James Street, Kingston, NY 12401
Food Pantry & Thrift Store Hours: Mon- Fri, 10 – 1 pm, Wed 5-7pm
People’s Place Community Cafe – 777 Broadway, Kingston
Hours: M-F 8am-1pm
*Hot dinner served the last Wednesday of each month, from 5:00pm – 6:30pm
845-338-4030 with any questions/concerns.
Free Farm Stand Tuesday mornings 9-11am from April until the end of October
Additional volunteers are greatly needed. If you can help out sign up here or email
Pointe of Praise Family Life Center – Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 339-4615
243 Hurley Ave / PO Box 1279, Kingston, NY 12401
Hours: Sat 1-3pm
Salvation Army of Ulster County – Food Pantry + Lunchbox
Phone: (845) 331-1803 – Admin
35 Cedar St, Kingston, NY 12401
Food Pantry Hours: M-F 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-2:30pm
Red Shield Lunchbox: M-F 12-1pm
St. James Happy to Help Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 331-3030
35 Pearl St. Kingston, NY 12401
Hours: 3 Sundays a month 10:30-2pm (call for schedule)
Located in the basement of St. James Church at the corner of Fair and Pearl St., Kingston, NY seeks volunteers ages 12 and older. Several opportunities exist of varying time commitments: 2.5 hours per month assisting with food deliveries, Saturdays 1:30 -4:00 pick up at the farmers market, Sunday morning to set up pantry, Sunday afternoons to assist while the pantry is open. For youth volunteers, a parent or adult from the school should accompany the students. If you can help please, contact St. James Church at (845) 331-3030.
(845) 663-2286 • 630 Broadway, Kingston
Hours: M-Th 9am-4pm, F 9am-10pm, Sat 10am-3pm
Free breakfast & lunch every last Tuesday
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 338-2954
72 Spring St, Kingston
Hours: T-TH 9am – 1pm
Community Fridges:
- Beyond 4 Walls, 14 Van Buren St., 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., 845-309-3694;
- Clinton Avenue Church, 122 Clinton Ave., 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 845-331-7188
- Wilbur Free Fridge, 587 Abeel Street (x Dunn St.) open 24/7
Bread of Life Food Pantry
865 Neighborhood Rd
Lake Katrine, NY 12449
(844) KINGSFIRE, Ext #3
The pantry is open to serve the community the 1st & 3rd Friday of the month from 12:00-2:00 as well as every Sunday 12:30-2:00. Our email address is
Seasoned Gives
(845) 616-1689
11 Lohmaier Ln, Lake Katrine
For delivery by appointment
Saint Mary’s Church – Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 236-4340
71 Grand St / PO Box 730, Marlboro, NY 12542
Hours: Wed 10am-1pm;
as of 6/1/24 2nd & 4th Wed of month 10am-1pm
Serving only residents of Marlboro and Milton
Modena United Methodist Church – Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 883-7142
1928 Rt 44/55, Modena, NY 12548
Hours: Tue, 11 – 12 noon
Family of New Paltz – Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 255- 8801
51 North Chestnut St, New Paltz, NY 12561
Hours: Mon- Thu 10 – 5 pm,
Fri 10 – 4 pm
Saint Joseph’s Catholic Church – Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 255-5635 – Admin.
34 S Chestnut St, New Paltz, NY 12561
Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri, 11 – 12 noon
Free Food Fridge, 25 Plattekill Avenue, New Paltz, always open
Phoenicia UMC Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 688-7680
29 Church St, Phoenicia, NY 12464
Hours: Thurs 10 – 12 noon
Pine Bush Ecumenical Food Pantry
Phone: 845-744-3390
Route 52 at New Prospect Road, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Hours: W 10-12; Thurs 5-7
New Day Tabernacle Church – Food Pantry, Food Delivery for Homebound
Phone: (845) 566-4441
38 Fire House Rd, Plattekill, NY 12568
Hours: Sat 10 – 12 noon; Wed 6 pm- 7 pm
Please bring an ID and your electric bill.
Plattekill Food Pantry
Phone: 845-564-4972
1250 Route 32 Plattekill, NY 12568
Hours: First and Third Wednesdays of every month, 4-6pm
Rosendale Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 205-2822
45 James St, Rosendale, NY 12472
Hours: Mon 9am – 1 pm, Sat 10am – 1 PM
Atonement Lutheran Church – Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 246-8322 – Admin.
100 Market St, Saugerties, NY 12477
Hours: Tue & Wed, 10-11:45am
Saugerties Area Council of Churches – Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 246-6885
44 Livingston St, Saugerties, NY 12477
Hours: Mon & Thu 10 – 12 noon
St. John the Evangelist – Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 246-9581
915 Rt 212, Saugerties, NY 12477
Hours: Wed & Fri, 10 – 12 noon
Rondout Valley Food Pantry – Food Pantry & Meals Delivered
Phone: (845) 687-4013
3775 Main St – Route 209 (the old Marbletown Town Hall), Stone Ridge, NY 12484
Hours: Tue & Thu 9 – 11 am, by appt.
His Love Unveiled – Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 895-3006
2393 Route 300, Wallkill, NY 12589
Hours: 2nd and 4th weeks of the month on Tuesdays from 12-1:30pm and Thursdays from 6:30-7:30pm
Wallkill Reformed Church – Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 895-2181
45 Bridge Street / PO Box 54
Wallkill, NY 12589
Hours: Thu 6 pm- 7:30 pm, Fri 11- 1 pm
Facebook page: Wallkill Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry.
Daily Bread Soup Kitchen
Christ’s Lutheran Church 26 Mill Hill Road
Phone (845) 679-2336 Message
Phone (845) 246-3036 x7333 – Director
Hours M,W,F 4-5 pm
Contact: Eleanor Anderson, 845-658-6019 or 845-768-4439.
Family of Woodstock – Food Pantry
Phone: (845) 679-2485 or 338-2370
16 Rock City Rd., Woodstock, NY 12498
Hours: 7 days/ 9:30am-9pm
Good Neighbor Food Pantry of Woodstock, Inc.
89 Tinker St, Woodstock
Phone: (845) 417-5535
Hours: Wed, Thu, Sat 11am-3pm
Located behind the Christian Science Reading Room
Woodstock Meals on Wheels
16 Tinker St, Woodstock 12498
Phone: (845) 679-4656
Meals are delivered between the hours of 11 a.m. and noon, Monday through Friday. Upon request, meals for Saturday and Sunday can also be delivered on Friday, which will need to be reheated.
Volunteer Opportunities
Feed HV
Volunteers keep the FeedHV running – literally – making hundreds of food runs a month. As a volunteer, you set your preferences in terms of availability and frequency, and have the option to accept or decline runs. Food runs can generally be accomplished in a short...
Angel Food East seeks volunteers
Angel Food East, Inc. has expanded its mission to include those living with HIV+/ AIDS as well as those with chronic illnesses. We are working with the Office for the Aging, the Dept. of Social Services, discharge planners at local hospitals and Hudson Valley...
Farm to Food Pantry Blueberry Gleaning
When: Monday and Wednesday mornings, 9-11am from end of June to early August Where: Hudson Valley Farm Hub Farm Stand 2324 US-209, Hurley, NY Please join us for blueberry gleaning at the Hudson Valley Farm Hub Farm Stand, 2324 US-209, Hurley, NY, Monday and Wednesday...
Volunteers needed for KCSD Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County is seeking volunteers for the Kingston City School District Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program. They are looking for a handful of volunteers, at least 4 but as many as 10 to help out at George Washington, Edson, and JFK...
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Contact Us
PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331