Long-term Opportunities


1. DSS will provide the family with housing in a shelter or in a local motel if they have a child(ren) who was born in the US. There will be no repercussions for the parents if they go to DSS for assistance. 2. Family of Woodstock (331-7080) offers Adult Case...

MHA Open Drop-In Support Groups

MHA Hosts The Following Groups That Do Not Require Registration. These Groups Are Free, Ongoing, Confidential & Open To The Public. This Open Drop-In Support Group information was updated on February 9, 2011. Please call to confirm the accuracy of this schedule or...

Family of New Paltz Food Pantry seeks donations

Our Pantry is running out of food...anyone interested in running a food drive please let us know 845 255-7957. We could use rice, pasta, soup, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, mac & cheese, canned fruit and veggies, tuna. Thank you for your help. FAMILY of New Paltz 51...

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331 info@ulstercorps.org