Penny Social
Family of Ellenville is holding its annual Penny Social fundraiser on Saturday September 26 at the Norbury Hall of the Pioneer Fire Co located at Center Street in Ellenville. Doors open at 5 pm and calling begins at 6:30 pm. We have a wide variety of items, as usual, that we have been collecting all year. This is an inexpensive “exciting†evening out, in a location walkable to village residents.
We could use help transporting items from our building to the hall (approx 1 mile, between 4-6pm Fri 9/25, and then setting up between 5-9 pm Fri and 1-5 Sat. Setting up means arranging items on tables.
For the event we need people to staff tables to sell tickets 5-6:30 pm, to “call†out winning ticket numbers 6:30-9 pm, and to clean up 9-10 pm.
Hotline Training
Family of Ellenville is also recruiting hotline volunteers and is holding the hotline training on Tuesdays from 12:30 -4 beginning September 29. The training takes place at Family of Ellenville’s building at 221 Canal Street and the corner of the Towpath. For anyone in the southwestern part of the county who is considering a weekly volunteer shift (3-4 hrs), now may be the time to check us out!
For information on either event call Lisa or Delores at 647-2443.
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