Family House seeks volunteers for MLK Day

Jan 14, 2010

Family House Adolescent Shelter in Rosendale seeks 2-3 adult volunteers to assist with office tasks from 11am-1pm on Monday January 18th, MLK National Day of Service.

949 Creek Locks Road Rosendale, NY 12472 (845) 338-5953.


FAMILY House is a safe, supportive shelter for up to fourteen young people ages 12–18 who cannot live with their families at the time. The facility is drug and alcohol free and is staffed 24 hours a day. Youth may stay up to sixty days. Residents go to school, participate in groups, and share house chores. FAMILY House regularly performs group community service projects as well. In the summer, there is a varied recreation program, including outdoor, art, computer and other activities. Family House residents sign a contract in which they agree to a number of house rules including a strict curfew.

Counselors work with families and with youth to address communication issues, life skills, and medical and mental health needs. Parenting education groups also are offered to families. The majority of residents return home from FAMILY House better able to communicate with their parents and to handle life’s challenges, knowing they have supportive services through FAMILY and other county agencies.

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