Jim & Lisa’s Circle Home
a comfort care home for the dying
100 Wurts Street, Kingston, NY 12401
Volunteers are needed!
Jim & Lisa’s Circle Home will be opening the doors soon, offering the safety and warmth of home and family to individuals in our community who lack the means to remain in their own homes during their final days.
VOLUNTEERS are the heart of Circle Home, a comfort care home for the dying, to help provide care for our residents and their friends and families, and to tend to the daily upkeep of our home and garden, as well.
Ways to help:
Hands-on resident care & companionship |Garden care & snow removal | Home repairs & maintenance projects | Preparing meals | Keeping our home beautiful & clean | Office tasks | Specialized offerings
Individuals of all ages and levels of experience are welcome to apply at https://circlehome.org/volunteer-interest-form/.
Upcoming trainings are scheduled for:
Fri/Sat 12/2 and 12/3 | Fri/Sat 12/16 and 12/17 | Fri/Sat 1/6/23 and 1/7/23.
Times: Friday Orientation – 5 to 7:15 pm, Saturday Training – 9 am to 3 pm.
(See link for full schedule)
Contact us at volunteer@circlehome.org or call 845 802-0970.
You can help make a difference!
To register, go to: https://circlehome.org/volunteer-training/
Our Coordinator of Volunteers will be in touch soon.
Thanks for your interest!