The Ulster County Food Fight, a food collection contest aiming to “spread food all over Ulster County” by filling the shelves of local food pantries, is a cooperative effort joined by 15 Ulster County public libraries from Sept. 1 until Saturday, Oct. 15.
The common goal is to fill up the shelves of local food pantries and put an end to hunger in local communities. Last year, library patrons in Ulster County donated 4,678 items. This year’s goal is 6,000 items.
The library that collects the most food items will win the Food Fight and receive a certificate and “bragging rights for the year,” organizers said.
Donations of non-perishable (and non-expired) food items for local food pantries will be accepted at the Gardiner Library, Highland Public Library, Hurley Library, Kingston Library, Sarah Hull Hallock Free Library (Milton), Morton Memorial Library (Pine Hill), Elting Memorial Library (New Paltz), Olive Free Library: Phoenicia Library, Plattekill Library, Rosendale Library, Saugerties Library, Stone Ridge Library, Wallkill Public Library and the Woodstock Public Library District.
Contact your local library to find out what local food pantry they support and for donation details.