The Secret City Art Revival Festival July 25th – 28th.
Community coming together is what makes what we do so special. We’ll need assistance with
parking, ticket and merch sales, artist check-in & management, performance set-up & break down, food and drink prep & clean-up for parties, guides for performances & The Secret City Processional and more!
Pick one or more days you’d like to volunteer along with your contact info and we’ll get back to you for confirmation.
Thursday: Kick-off party at The Byrdcliffe Barn
Friday: House Concerts
Saturday: Garden Party & Site Specific Performances in town followed by a Community Picnic & in the evening a Live Band Karaoke @ Colony
Sunday: Community Processional and The Secret City Celebration under a tent at Andy Lee Field
Come join us as we foster community through the arts and to celebrate the life and work of artists right here in Woodstock!
For more information on a breakdown of each day’s events please visit https://thesecretcity.org/blog/
If you are interested in helping please contact Erin at erinhannan20@gmail.com