Seed Song Farm 

Seed Song Farm 


October 20, 2018    
10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Seed Song Farm
160 Esopus Avenue , Kingston , NY
Shifts will be available from 10 am to 5 pm for a variety of farm and construction tasks.
2 hour shifts are also available beginning at 10:30 am ending at 4:30 pm 
Please come dressed with clothes that could get dirty and wear boots or shoes that could get dirty and muddy. Hat and socks are also a great idea.
Work gloves will be provided at the farm.
Lunch will be provided at 12:30 and snacks and beverages will available throughout the day.
Tasks we hope to tackle:
  • laying out parking areas, maze areas, and roadway barriers with snow fencing and ribbon markers
  • cutting/ painting/ installing signs
  • landscape tidying
  • constructing giant bonfire sculpture
  • clearing out greenhouse event space
  • decorating (i.e. hanging string lights, putting up corn stalks)
  • moving farmhouse furniture to make way for haunted house
  • tidying Three Sisters Field for Native American Culture presentation
To sign up, please contact or call (845) 383-1528
To Learn More about our cause, please visit