Repair Cafe

Repair Cafe


April 23, 2017    
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Gardiner Public Library
133 Farmer's Turnpike, Gardiner, NY 12525

Repair Cafe

Repair Cafe

Gardiner Repair Cafe
Sunday April 23rd, 2017, 12-4pm
Gardiner Public Library
133 Farmer’s Turnpike Gardiner, NY
Please contact Wendy Toman at for more information.

At the Repair Cafe you’ll find tools and materials to help you make the repair you need: on furniture, small appliances & housewares, clothes, crockery, toys and more. You’ll also find “repair coaches” such as electricians, seamstresses, mechanics and all-purpose fix-it pros to get you started and help along the way. To volunteer or for more information please contact John at 646-302-5835.