On Saturday April 29th, from 10am-4pm, the New Paltz Fire Department will open up its doors to the community to host a day full of activities and education. Recruit NY is a state-wide intitive to help educate the community on what our volunteer firefighters do on a daily basis to provide fire protection to the Village and Town of New Paltz. NPFD has taken this initive and evolved it to include all emergency services that service our community, including Police, EMS, and other agencies that the community may not be aware of that play a major role in our emergency response. We will offer hands on activites for all ages, live demostrations, and educational info sessions throughout the day that will be sure to keep you occupied throughout the day. We will also be offering food and beverage that you can enjoy as you listen to our live bands playing for you. This is much more than an open-house but rather a day for our emergency first responders to interact with our community in a way that doesn’t include an emergency. We are all part of the New Paltz Community and would love a chance to spend a day of fun with you. Tours will be offered by our first responders, which will allow for our community members to ask any questions that they please and we will do our best to answer them for you. There will also be raffles and give aways throughout the day that will be sure to send you home with not just a smile, but a full stomach and hopefully full hands as well. We look forward to spending an amazing day with all of our community members!
More info/Participating Fire Houses:
Saturday April 29 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
High Falls Fire Department
7-11 Firehouse Road
High Falls, NY
(845) 687-0222
Station & Apparatus Tours, Informational Sessions with Firefighters, and Applications for Membership available.
Shawn Marks marksy_terrapin@hotmail.com
Saturday April 29 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
J.n cordts hose (city of Kingston)
211 Delaware ave
Kingston, NY
Open house and tours of the station as well as demos.
Jason Bmxemt@aol.com
Saturday April 29 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
New Paltz Fire Department
25 Plattekill Ave.
New Paltz , NY
(845) 255-1520
Live Demonstrations from all emergency agencies that service the New Paltz community. Hands on activities for the public to partake in. Educational sessions pertaining to fire prevention and public safety. Food and Drinks will be available as well as Live Music.
Dylan Babcock dylanbabcock@newpaltzfire.org
Sunday April 30 – 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Cragsmoor Fire Department
66 Sams Point Road
Cragsmoor, NY
(845) 647-7927
Live auto extrication demonstration at noon
Steve Sawyer ssawyer@cragsmoorfire.org