Saturday, January 11, 2020
11:00am – 3:00pm
Redeemer Lutheran Church
104 Wurts Street
Kingston, NY, 12401
Note our location change!
On Saturday January 11 we will be at Redeemer Lutheran Church in the Rondout neighborhood
Other than that….all the same. Bring your beloved but broken item, and together, with a volunteer Repair Coach, fix it… for FREE!
Note that Bike-Friendly Kingston will sit this one out—for obvious reasons (Brrrrr) But they’ll be back in the Spring, again partnering to provide FREE repairs of household items and basic bicycle repairs & tune-ups.
Mechanical, electrical, electronic & computers, clothes mending, jewelry repair, things made of wood, toys. Plus metal repairs with on-site welding! (weather permitting). Bring a beloved but broken item! Bring a friend!
Do you have questions about what kind of items you can bring for repair? Or would you like to offer your skills to repair things for your neighbors?
Contact Melissa Iachetta at 347-361-0443 or email melissa.iachetta@gmail.com
Sponsored by Transition Kingston & the Kingston Climate Smart Commission. With support from Midtown Rising, Kingston YMCA and Radio Kingston. THANK YOU ALL!