HIICAP Volunteer Training (Health Insurance Information and Counseling Assistance Program)


April 18, 2018 - May 3, 2018    
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Ulster County Office for the Aging
1003 Development Court, Kingston, NY, 12401

HIICAP Volunteer Recruitment 2018YOU can learn how to help people navigate their Medicare options!

HIICAP Volunteer Training
6 Wednesdays—Starting April 18- May 23, 1- 3 p.m. 

Health Insurance Information and Counseling Assistance Program (HIICAP) volunteers provides free, accurate and objective information, counseling, assistance and advocacy on Medicare, Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare drug plans, private health insurance, and related health insurance concerns.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a HIICAP Volunteer, please call Ulster County OFA

Ulster County Office for the Aging
1003 Development Ct., Kingston, NY 12401