For the first time this year, FeedHV is working with the organizers of the Ulster County Fair to recover food from fair vendors! We have successfully done this for two years in Dutchess County and are confident that Ulster County Fair rescue will also be success with your help.
Volunteers are needed to both “canvass” the vendors on the morning of Wednesday 7/31 (9:30-11:30AM) as well as recovery the food on Sunday 8/4 (7:30-9:30PM). It is best if we have 4-6 volunteers that can volunteer both days, that way folks can get familiar with the grounds and vendors on Wednesday so that Sunday goes smoothly as possible.
Volunteers who help with both shifts will receive tickets for Wednesday and Sunday.
If you/your family/your friends are able to commit to both two 2-hour shifts on Wednesday AM 7/31 and Sunday PM 8/4 please email bmerrill@hvadc.org with the names of all volunteers (so they can get you tickets). If you can only do one, please let them know that, too. Volunteer slots will be given on a first come first serve basis, but with a preference for folks that can do both shifts. They will respond to all emails to confirm participation by 7/10.
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