It is Time to Sign up for Mountain Jam
Hard to believe, but winter has officially ended. And with that comes other activities. WDST is again hosting Mountain Jam, a 4 day concert held at Hunter Mountain on June 2-5. Family is again being invited to sell water and ice to festival attendees in exchange for a portion of the sales, an opportunity to raise money, and wristbands for all of the volunteers who work. Those of us who have done this in the last couple years know how much fun it is, fun to be there, fun to interact with the attendees, fun to camp if we want and enjoy the music when we are not working. So this is a call to those interested to indicate your interest to participate in the Mountain Jam festival. Debi Conathan will be helping with this event, coordinating the scheduling of volunteers and providing onsite support at the event. Application forms are now available to those who wish to participate and can be received by emailing You can also call her at 914-466-8544.