Family of Ellenville – Community Garden Work Day


April 30, 2016    
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Family of Ellenville
221 Canal Street, Ellenville, NY

Ellenville's Secret GardenPlease join us for a
Community Work Day
to help rebuild the
Ellenville Community Garden
at Family of Ellenville

Saturday April 30th, 2016, 1-5pm
Raindate: Sunday May 1st, 2016, 1-5pm
Family of Ellenville, 221 Canal Street, Ellenville

Volunteers of all ages are needed to help rebuild the Ellenville Community Garden at Family of Ellenville, and help the garden grow all season long. We will be kickstarting this effort with a Community Work Day Saturday April 30th, 1-5pm (with a rain date of Sunday May 1st, 1-5pm). We will be spreading soil and manure, rebuilding and tidying up the compost pile, and building raised beds. If you have tools – shovels, bow rakes and leaf rakes, work gloves, please do bring them along. If you can help out please call James Rios, Garden Manager, at (845) 647-2443 x301 or email Thank you!