The Hudson Estuary Trees for Tributaries program will be holding its annual arbor day potting up event on Friday, April 28th from 9am-4pm.
The NYSDEC Hudson Estuary Trees for Tribs Program provides free plants to municipalities, private landowners, and conservation organizations to improve stream health throughout the Hudson River Estuary.
Each year the program gets thousands of bareroot seedlings that will be used for its streamside plantings. These bareroots are delicate and must be quickly planted to ensure the health of the plant. We need your help to get these plants into pots!
Make sure you come prepared to work outside with soil and get dirty. We recommend you bring:
- Water
- Sunscreen
- Hat
- Clothing/Boots that can get dirty
- Gloves (if you have a pair)
Please RSVP by sending an email to: lilly.griffin@dec.ny.gov and/or beth.roessler@dec.ny.gov