Enjoy Gardening? Become a Volunteer Master Gardener!

Jun 16, 2009

Would you like to know the answers to questions that come along with planting and growing a magnificent flower bed, a bountiful vegetable garden, or flourishing fruit trees and everything in between? Then you should consider becoming a Master Gardener and sharing your experience and knowledge with the inquiring public. Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County’s Master Gardener Program is currently accepting applications to become a Master Gardener.

Basic requirements are an interest and experience in horticulture and a willingness to give back to the community. Community volunteers are trained to assist other members of their community with research-based information obtained from Cornell University, other Universities throughout the nation in the land grant system, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The fee is $250. Participants will be refunded $50 upon completion of 100 volunteer hours within the first two years. Click the link below for a detailed job description and the application process.

This information can also be picked up at the main office of Cornell Cooperative Extension Ulster County located at 10 Westbrook Lane in Kingston. Applications can also be mailed by calling Master Gardener Coordinator, Dona Crawford at 845-340-3990. Interviews will take place in July and August. Training will begin in September at the CCEUC Education Center in Kingston.

Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who provide the public with gardening programs and activities that convey horticulture research and experience. Volunteers are selected and trained in all aspects of horticulture from taxonomy and plant pathology to organic gardening. Each Master Gardener must complete an initial 100 hours of research based instruction from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County and will continue to be exposed to the latest developments through a variety of educational training methods and state of the art gardening techniques.

Purpose of Position: The Master Gardener Program is a community service program
established to provide home and community gardeners with unbiased, gardening
information that is based on research or reliable experience, through a neighbors-
teaching neighbors educational program.


1. Successfully complete the required Master Gardener Volunteer Training
Program and remain current through participation in recommended training
opportunities throughout the agreed term of volunteer service.

2. Serve as a horticultural resource as outlined in the plan of work of the
sponsoring Cornell Cooperative County Association.

3. Represent Cornell Cooperative Extension within the Community; encourage
enrollment in and support for the organization.
Anticipated Audience: Home gardeners, Nursing home residents, Youth, Physically and
mentally challenged, Community gardeners, Consumers of horticultural products

Expected Results: The resident and communities will be better informed of
environmentally sound gardening practices and be better able to make decisions based on
the counsel and advice of Master Gardener Volunteers.

Training and Support:
Orientation to the Cornell Cooperative Extension System, its mission and that of
the Master Gardener Volunteer Program
Master Gardener Volunteer Training Program includes a core qualifying course in
gardening, as well as refresher classes, field trips and workshops to enhance
expertise and ability to communicate information related to ecological gardening
and related topics to the public. In Ulster County, there is a registration fee of
$250 which a portion is refunded upon completion of 100 volunteer hours within
2 years.
Orientation to the operational and risk management procedures
Periodic opportunities for statewide, regional, and national conferences;
participation is encouraged to expand your knowledge and remain current.
Extension Educators with knowledge of horticultural sciences as well as Veteran
Master Gardener Volunteers active in the program provide support
Master Gardener Coordinator

Reporting: Each Master Gardener Volunteer is expected to maintain records of program
contacts, recommendations and time devoted to volunteer activities.

Time Commitment: An Ulster County Master Gardener Volunteer is expected to
contribute a minimum of 100 hours within a period of 24 months, in exchange for the
training period. Of these 100 hours, at least 30 will be on the hotline/lab and 20 at
one of the Master Gardener Demonstration Gardens.

A basic interest in and knowledge about landscape and food gardening
Enthusiasm for acquiring and sharing horticultural knowledge and skills
Interest in teaching others
Verbal and written communication skills
A time schedule compatible with program activities
Willingness to volunteer time on horticultural projects and educational activities
that help meet the goals of the county’s Cornell Cooperative Extension Program

Level of Background screening required:
Reference Check
Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) Check- If responsibilities involve use of
CCE Association vehicles
Criminal Background Check
Satisfaction of serving your community to extend the educational mission of
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Interaction with people in your community with similar interests and talents in
gardening and landscaping
A deeper understanding of the science and art of horticulture and its allied

Cornell Cooperative Extension
10 Westbrook Lane, Kingston
Phone: 845-340-3990 Fax: 845-340-3993
Master Gardener Hotline – (845) 340-3478 (DIRT) – March through October M-W-F 9 AM – Noon

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