Duzine and Lenape Schools plan organic vegetable gardens this spring

Mar 12, 2009

Duzine and Lenape Schools plan organic vegetable gardens this spring: come to an organizing meeting March 17th

The Duzine/Lenape PTA is inviting community members to help a new and exciting project come to fruition: organic vegetable gardens at both schools. If you would like to help organize and/or fundraise for this effort, please join the PTA garden committee and come to an organizing meeting on Tuesday, March 17, 7pm at the Duzine Library. Sign-up sheets and schedules for garden tasks will be available. Noted author and garden authority, Lee Reich, will be there to inspire and offer practical advice.

Since district funds are very tight this year, we are doing this as a grassroots project and looking to our resourceful community to support the gardens and our schools. We need help from skilled carpenters in building raised beds, fences, and gates. We need material donations such as lumber for raised beds, fence posts, fencing, and gates, soil, compost, and mulch, tools, tool sheds, hoses, etc. Garden workdays at Duzine are scheduled for Saturday March 28 and April 18. Lenape workdays will be sometime in April, TBA.

Gardens will offer our children an enhanced learning experience across the curriculum through hands-on activities with soil, plants, animals, and the cycles of nature that produce our food. Gardens spark curiosity, creativity, and scientific investigations, bring children outside to enjoy fresh air and physical exercise, and promote healthier eating habits.

If you can make a cash donation, please send checks payable to Duzine/Lenape PTA, 196 Main St., New Paltz, NY 12561 and note “garden project” in the check memo.

For more information, contact the PTA Garden Committee Co-chairs:
Martha Cheo 256-9316 mcheo@hvc.rr.com
Jim O’Dowd 255-4170 jimmyodowd@yahoo.com

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