Disaster Response
The Disaster Response and Recovery Committee is a collaboration between the Red Cross, United Way of Ulster County, Ulster County Office of Emergency Management, UlsterCorps, Family of Woodstock, ARES/RACES and other local agencies to assess our current capacity and improve our readiness for future emergencies. In 2014 we conducted a survey of local agencies and businesses to assess preparedness, volunteer workforce capacity and needs, and are working with the Red Cross to train very local teams of volunteers in sheltering, feeding, bulk distribution, volunteer reception and management, communications, access to services for vulnerable populations, and long-term recovery.
Ulster County Animal Response Team (UCART)
We also helped to develop the Ulster County Animal Response Team (UCART), a cadre of pre-trained volunteers who can assist Emergency Management in the event of an emergency involving animals. UCART is activated by the County in the event of a declared emergency, to assist in County and/or American Red Cross sheltering operations for families — including their pets — needing temporary shelter. The goal: Keep the entire family together. UCART also supports families year round with their own emergency plans for all family members, including companion animals. Learn more or join our team: https://www.ucart.org/
Ulster County Medical Reserve Corps
Calling all community-minded volunteers interested in disaster preparedness, public health, and public safety – it begins with you!
Become a part of the Ulster County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), a network of volunteers who support the County’s Departments of Health and Emergency Services in protecting health, preserving life, and administering aid and assistance during times of disaster and community need
More info: https://participate.ulstercountyny.gov/mrc

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Contact Us
PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331 info@ulstercorps.org