COMPEER Program of MHA in Ulster County

Dec 30, 2024

Imagine making a real difference in someone’s life by simply being a friend. The Compeer program offers an incredible opportunity to build meaningful connections with adults working to improve their mental wellness. As a volunteer, you’ll provide support, understanding, and companionship that can truly transform lives.

By sharing experiences, enjoying activities together, and offering genuine friendship, you can help someone feel valued, supported, and more confident. Your compassion can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and resilience. Volunteers like you create spaces of acceptance where individuals can thrive, build self-esteem, and develop stronger coping skills.

Compeer is an internationally recognized program that trains and supports volunteers to become supportive friends and mentors to individuals who receive mental health services. The Compeer program meets the diverse needs of individuals receiving mental health supports at MHA in Ulster County, through meaningful friendship and mentorship.

Volunteer Expectations:

Engage in meaningful connections with your match each week through text, phone, email, or other forms of communication.

Spend 4 hours each month enjoying face-to-face activities together, creating positive experiences.

(Each month, the Compeer program hosts a fun, fully-sponsored activity to support volunteers in meeting this goal.)

Want to make a lasting impact? Contact our Compeer coordinator to learn how you can become a supportive friend and community changemaker.

Compeer Coordinator: 845-339-9090 ext.2206 or

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PO Box 34 Stone Ridge, NY 12484 845-481-0331