UlsterCorps Volunteer Orientation + Open House

Please join us for a Volunteer Orientation + Open House at our Storefront for Service Sunday March 21st, 2010, 3-5pm Saturday April 17th, 2010, 3-6pm 292 Main Street, Rosendale – Map RSVP on Facebook RSVP on VolunteerMatch Please join us for our monthly Open...

Get Involved!

UlsterCorps Needs YOUR Help! Join our community of Ulster County residents who are reaching out to help people and projects in need: Subscribe to our e-news:   UlsterCorps continues to grow each day with exciting new opportunities. We are seeking individuals who want...

Holiday Mail for Heroes

The Holiday Mail for Heroes program, sponsored by the American Red Cross and Pitney Bowes Inc., offers Americans the chance to send holiday greetings and thanks to active U.S. military personnel and veterans. The program will deliver your bought or hand-made cards to...

Hudson Valley Materials Exchange seeks web designer

Our website, http://www.hvmaterialsexchange.com, needs some restructuring. We’re looking for someone to work with the information that is already there, organizing it in a way that makes the site far more navigable. There is a wealth of information available on...

UlsterCorps Celebration of Service Quilt

Please contribute your story to the UlsterCorps Celebration of Service Quilt The mission of the Quilt project is to recognize and remember those who have volunteered, to educate about the importance of service, and to inspire others to become more involved. One of our...

Harvesting a Lifetime Summer Youth Workshop

July 6th-August 14th 2009 Coordinated by UlsterCorps Hosted by Second Chance4Me, Seven21 Media Center, Kingston, NY Summer 2009 Watch Excerpts from the interviews created by the students UlsterCorps expanded Harvesting a Lifetime to include a youth media training...