Jan 22, 2009
Saturday, January 31st from 10am -11:30am Business Resource Center on Ulster Avenue, Kingston Project Hope is the new women’s mentoring program recently established by HOPE’s Fund, a United Way collaborative. The program is intended to provide support,...
Jan 21, 2009
1/22 – UPDATE – Mission Accomplished! Roger Srigley from Accord was here at Family of New Paltz bright and early. He is a very kind gentleman and did excellent work. I am grateful to have access to this network of potential volunteers. What a wonderful and...
Jan 19, 2009
UlsterCorps connects volunteers with service opportunities in Ulster County UlsterCorps, a new non-partisan community service network in Ulster County, coordinated a county-wide day of service to commemorate Martin Luther King Day, on Monday, January 19th. Volunteers...
Jan 18, 2009
Volunteering at Family has tremendous benefits: It’s a great way to get to know people in your community. It’s a chance to learn new skills while making a difference. It’s a way to contribute where you live. Ready to get started? Here are a few ways you can help out:...
Jan 17, 2009
Salvador Altamirano-Segura, program director of Family’s Adult Case Management Services (ACMS), has recently asked for volunteers to help enroll Spanish speaking clients in the Food stamps Program. As a community based organization, we are able to submit client...
Jan 16, 2009
Please stop by the Ulster Red Cross offices at 21 O’Neil Street in Kingston between 10am and noon on Friday January 23rd for an open house to learn more about the organization, volunteer opportunities & workshops. UC Red Cross has been serving Ulster County...