Mar 31, 2010
People’s Place gets a monthly food order of eight to ten thousand pounds of food from the Regional Foodbank in Latham. We need volunteers to help bring in the food to our food pantry and to store it in our freezers and refrigerators, as well as to put the dry...
Mar 27, 2010
April 24, 2010 Kingston Clean Sweep Saturday, April 24, 2010, 9-noon Join the Forsyth Nature Center and groups all over the city as we work to keep Kingston beautiful. City Wide, Kingston; 9am; Call for details! 331-1682, x132; New Paltz...
Mar 27, 2010
April 24, 2010 Have fun with your neighbors while cleaning the roadsides. Volunteer sign up 9am at the High Falls Cafe. Refreshments provided. 9am-1pm; For info contact High Falls Civic Association at 399-9300; [si-contact-form...
Mar 26, 2010
The Haitian People Support Project (HPSP) is hosting a fundraiser on April 23rd at Backstage Theater in Kingston, New York. The fundraiser will feature the Grammy award-winning musical group, Boukman Eksperyans, along with local favorites Sonando. This promises to be...
Mar 25, 2010
Please join us for a Volunteer Orientation + Open House at our Storefront for Service Saturday May 15th, 2010, 4-6pm Saturday April 17th, 2010, 3-6pm 292 Main Street, Rosendale – Map RSVP on Facebook Please join us for our monthly Open House at our new home, 292...
Mar 24, 2010
Proceeds Benefit the Haitian People’s Support Project and the families of Boukman Eksperyans Friday, April 23, 7 PM to Midnight Back Stage Productions, 323 Wall Street, Kingston, NY Advanced Ticket Sales: *****************************...