Jan 9, 2016
Troop Leaders needed: As a Girl Scout Troop Leader, you’ll have the opportunity to introduce girls to new and exciting experiences every day. As an adventure maker, confidence builder and everyday life changer, you can be the inspiration a girl needs to discover her...
Jan 9, 2016
At Girls on the Run, we believe that girls have the power to change the world. Volunteer coaches teach valuable life skills to 3rd through 8th grade girls and together they run, walk, hop or skip in a celebratory end-of-season 5k. Volunteer and join us as we inspire...
Jan 2, 2016
Volunteers are the heart of Ulster Habitat. All volunteer efforts support our mission to bring people together to build homes, community and hope. Finishing touches are being put on our 13th house in Kingston and ground breaking for number 14 is imminent. Many...
Jun 11, 2015
Throughout the summer and into the Fall volunteers are needed to help distribute thousands of pounds of fruits and vegetables every Tuesday between 9am-1pm. Strong, able-bodied people are needed who can move boxes, help bag produce, break down boxes, and get food into...
May 11, 2015
High Falls Volunteer Projects Here are a number of larger projects needing work at our new High Falls location, and the estimated number of “human hours”—e.g. 16 hours is a day for two people. Please contact us at 845-247-5700 during business hours if you’d like to...
Apr 24, 2015
Kingston Boys & Girls Club is seeking 2-3 tutors for 1-2 days a week each between the hours of 3-5pm to assist with homework help, especially with reading comprehension and math for youth ages 8-15. Tutors ages 16 or older welcome. If you’re interested please...