Pine Hill Area Community Supper and Food Giveaway

Pine Hill Area Community Supper and Food Giveaway Occurs every 2 weeks on Monday, December 7th and 21st, 2009 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm; Free Pine Hill Community Center. 287 Main Street, Pine Hill, NY . Map. 254-5469‎. Occurs every 2 weeks on Monday. All are welcome...

CCE Apple Gleaning Volunteers needed Nov 5-15th!

Note from Stiles, 11/13/09: Saturday’s gleaning has been cancelled. Those that were scheduled for Saturday are invited to come on Sunday. I will be at the orchard from 10-4 on Sunday. I know that this means some of you won’t be able to make it and I am sorry...

Pine Hill Area Community Supper and Food Giveaway

Pine Hill Area Community Supper and Food Giveaway Occurs every 2 weeks on Monday, starting September 28, 2009 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm; Free Pine Hill Community Center. 287 Main Street, Pine Hill, NY . Map. 254-5469‎. Occurs every 2 weeks on Monday. All are welcome...

Farms to Food Pantries Pickups, Woodstock

Family needs volunteers in Woodstock to do a very quick task on a regular basis that you could easily do in the course of your errands—– pick up donations from local farms of vegetables, (usually it’s one, or two cartons), and bring them over to...