Mar 23, 2019
Raising HOPE Ulster gives Ulster County women tools to become financially and emotionally independent. Become a Mentee Raising HOPE serves women who know that success is a possibility and seek support to reach their goals. All women who become Mentees have one thing...
Mar 9, 2019
TREASURER (Volunteer) Part-Time
Kingston NY We are searching for a part-time, volunteer Treasurer to join our small but growing community based Not-for-Profit organization supporting the mission and opening of the first Home for the Dying in the Hudson Valley (Circle...
Feb 13, 2019
Volunteer Opportunities at the Walkway The Organization: Walkway Over the Hudson, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit group, works to support and improve Walkway Over the Hudson State Historic Park by raising funds to improve amenities and provide long-term stewardship to the park....
Oct 11, 2018
Seeking all Volunteer Drivers! Mon– Fri, with flexible scheduling Ulster County Community Action Committee, Inc., is seeking Volunteer Drivers to begin providing services for individuals with Medicaid who reside in Ulster County and cannot transport themselves to...
Oct 8, 2018
ARE YOU A CAREGIVER? Is it difficult to find someone to stay with your loved one at home while you take a few hours for shopping, reading, exercise, a doctor’s appointment or lunch with a friend? We may be able to give you a hand! The Ulster County Office for the...
Aug 8, 2018
Are you interested in becoming a Volunteer Advocate? The Long Term Care Community Coalition (LTCCC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving quality of care, quality of life and dignity for elderly and disabled people in nursing homes, assisted living and...