Jun 6, 2010
Compeer of MHA in Ulster County matches caring trained volunteers with community members who are receiving mental health services. Compeer volunteers really make a difference in their friends lives. Volunteers meet with their friend 4 hours a month and share...
Jun 5, 2010
Volunteers needed to organize a social networking campaign for the Ulster County Housing Consortium and teach others to implement the campaign. See http://www.givehousingavoice.com/ for more information or call Joan at 331-2140 x263. [si-contact-form...
Jun 5, 2010
The Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program seeks volunteers for its Stream Stewards Program. Stream Stewards is an ongoing group of volunteers with an interest in protecting the streams of the Ashokan Watershed. The Ashokan Watershed includes the Esopus Creek and...
Jun 2, 2010
The mission of the Woodstock Volunteers’ Day Committee is to acknowledge and recognize all the volunteers in our community. Our goal is to have the volunteers know that they are valued and appreciated. An additional aspect of our mission is to raise awareness about...
May 28, 2010
From June 21 to July 5th, School Districts, Businesses, Civic Organizations, and Local Supermarkets are asked to run food drives to benefit all Ulster County Food Pantries and Feeding Programs. Map of Current Collection Sites Suggested Donation List “In the last 18...
May 27, 2010
Plant A Row for the Hungry Campaign Strives to Stem Hunger in Ulster County What’s more rewarding than growing your own vegetables? How about sharing your extra produce to help feed the hungry right here in Ulster County! With your help we can do it! The...