Sep 30, 2010
The Snowboard Outreach Society runs a Learn to Ride program with Hunter Mountain. This program is offered to children at risk, between the ages of 10 to 18. The cost per child is $75 for five Saturdays. Clothes, equipment, snowboard instruction, and lift tickets are...
Aug 5, 2010
Ulster County Youth Build seeks volunteer mentors to work with youth 16-24 years old. 2 hours a month face to face, 2 phone calls per month, 15 month commitment (9 months in Program + 6 months after graduation). Mentor would have to attend a 4 hour training and...
Jul 12, 2010
Abbott House Post Adoption Services (a non-profit organization) is starting a monthly support group for families that have adopted children from foster care on the first Wednesday of each month, starting September 1st, from 6:00 to 7:00pm at the Kingston Library....
Jun 23, 2010
The Girl Scout Mission is to build Girls of Courage Confidence and Character who make the world a better place. Our goal is to create the leaders of tomorrow by helping girls experience leadership today. We do this using the New Girl Scout Leadership Experience:...
Jun 6, 2010
Compeer of MHA in Ulster County matches caring trained volunteers with community members who are receiving mental health services. Compeer volunteers really make a difference in their friends lives. Volunteers meet with their friend 4 hours a month and share...
Nov 2, 2009
For more information on these programs, visit our website at Anyone interested or who has more questions may email Mary at or call 883-7286. 1 Homework Help Mentor. This position requires a person with the...