Apr 16, 2010
The Good Neighbor Food Pantry is open every Thursday morning from 9-noon in Woodstock. We are in the expansion stage to add another shift on Wednesday evenings from 4-7. We need volunteers for both Thursday morning and evening shifts. Drivers with pickups,...
Apr 12, 2010
One Voice for Haiti Friday, April 23, 7 PM to Midnight Back Stage Productions, 323 Wall Street, Kingston, NY Proceeds Benefit the Haitian People’s Support Project and the families of Boukman Eksperyans Advanced Ticket Sales: www.haitiansupportproject.org...
Mar 31, 2010
People’s Place gets a monthly food order of eight to ten thousand pounds of food from the Regional Foodbank in Latham. We need volunteers to help bring in the food to our food pantry and to store it in our freezers and refrigerators, as well as to put the dry...
Mar 15, 2010
Catskill Animal Sanctuary is having a spring clean up on Saturday, April 10th, 2010, 10-4:30. Roll up your sleeves on behalf of our animal friends. We’ll be painting, landscaping, raking and more. Lunch provided by our fabulous chef Kevin Archer, so come hungry!...
Mar 14, 2010
Esopus Creek Conservancy is an all-volunteer land trust located in Saugerties, NY. We own and maintain Esopus Bend Nature Preserve, a 160-acre nature preserve located in the Village and Town of Saugerties, along a dramatic bend in the Esopus Creek, less than a mile...
Feb 28, 2010
A Call to All Volunteers for Trail Maintenance. The Stewardship Committee is pleased to announce their first work party of 2010 to be held on Saturday March 13. It will start at 9 am and workers will meet at the Shady Lane entrance of the Esopus Bend Nature Preserve....