May 28, 2010
From June 21 to July 5th, School Districts, Businesses, Civic Organizations, and Local Supermarkets are asked to run food drives to benefit all Ulster County Food Pantries and Feeding Programs. Map of Current Collection Sites Suggested Donation List “In the last 18...
May 27, 2010
Plant A Row for the Hungry Campaign Strives to Stem Hunger in Ulster County What’s more rewarding than growing your own vegetables? How about sharing your extra produce to help feed the hungry right here in Ulster County! With your help we can do it! The...
May 21, 2010
1) RVGA’s 8th Annual Barn Dance on 6/19 needs people to supervise children’s games, help set up and also some people to direct parking & etc. Could be students. Could accommodate a group of up to 10 people ages 15 and up. 2) the 3rd Annual Farm Tour...
May 4, 2010
Phillies Bridge Farm Project seeks volunteers for their summer educational programs. New Paltz, 256-9308. Phillies Bridge Farm Project seeks volunteers for their summer educational programs – Learn about sustainable agriculture and teach children on an organic...
Apr 17, 2010
We are in need of volunteers to help us run the Market this year. In general extra hands are needed for set up and break down of our special events. We also need help in taking customer counts and market surveys. For the customer counts a total of four counters are...
Apr 2, 2010
Family of Ellenville is looking for a gardener to spearhead the community garden. The volunteer must be able to donate time weekly to coordinate and oversee this project. The site has been worked for several years now. Local children and adults are drawn to the garden...