The Eat Local Challenge

Join the Third Annual Eat Local Challenge in 2009! We officially begin on June 30th, ending on September 30th. If you would like to take on the Challenge with the support and comradery of a group, become a member and join our email list. You will be informed of local...

CCE 4-H Youth Development ProgramCall for Volunteers

The Ulster County 4-H Youth Development Program is always looking for committed adult volunteers interested in starting a 4-H club in their area or teaching a craft, skill, or hobby. For more details on how you can become a 4-H volunteer, please call Andrew at 845 340...

Kick Off Spring While Helping to Feed The Hungry in Ulster County

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County’s Master Gardener Program presents The Spring Kick-Off Event announcing the annual Plant-A-Row for the Hungry Program at Lowe’s located at 901 Frank Sottile Blvd. in Kingston on Saturday, May 2. Festivities will begin...