Ulster Literacy Association Volunteer Tutoring

People who choose to volunteer with Ulster Literacy find an opportunity to engage in an immensely helpful and satisfying endeavor. Our tutors, like our learners, come from a variety of backgrounds and have many reasons for joining us. They all want to help others! No...

Ascension Food Pantry

Ascension Holy Trinity Food Pantries and Mission Center, located in Highland and West Park, is seeking  volunteers. If you can help out please contact Mary at 845-532-2876 or 845-834-6014. Ascension Food Pantry Phone: (845) 384-6723 – leave message or 845-532-2876 or...

Resource Center for Accessible Living (RCAL)

Volunteering helps us to improve our impact. As a non-profit, we do not have the resources or the man power to do everything that we would like to do. Many of our staff are trying to juggle tasks outside of their regular responsibilities. If you have time to answer...

People’s Place seeks volunteers

We Need Volunteers—Come Make a Difference! At People’s Place, we rely on the heart and energy of our volunteers to help us serve families in need across Ulster County. We’re calling on all ages—but especially young adults—to lend a hand! Whether you’re looking for a...

Arts Society of Kingston

Arts Society of Kingston 97 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 Hours: Thurs – Sun 12 – 5 PM Volunteers are an invaluable asset to Arts Society of Kingston. Not only do volunteers bring new ideas, they keep our space in order, and the vitality flowing! If you...

HomeShareUlster County

HomeShare Woodstock is now HomeShareUlster County! Our newly opened Kingston program is now accepting applications from interested Home Providers and Home Seekers in our new Match Area- City of Kingston!  Home sharing matches a Home Provider (person with extra room in...