Kingston Eats

The Kingston Eats team is looking for champions in the community! What is Kingston Eats? Kingston Eats is a Kingston-wide Harvest of the Month campaign that encourages healthy eating through fun and joy. Our campaign is in schools, food pantries, restaurants,...

Feed HV

Volunteers keep the FeedHV running – literally – making hundreds of food runs a month. As a volunteer, you set your preferences in terms of availability and frequency, and have the option to accept or decline runs. Food runs can generally be accomplished in a short...

Angel Food East seeks volunteers

Angel Food is currently in need of delivery drivers who come in every Thursday between 10:00 and 11:00 to deliver meals to our clients around Ulster County. We have one weekly position open and are looking for 5 substitute drivers to cover routes when our drivers are...

Farm to Food Pantry Blueberry Gleaning

When: Monday and Wednesday mornings, 9-11am from end of June to early August Where: Hudson Valley Farm Hub Farm Stand 2324 US-209, Hurley, NY Please join us for blueberry gleaning at the Hudson Valley Farm Hub Farm Stand, 2324 US-209, Hurley, NY, Monday and Wednesday...

CCE Act for Change Teen Anti-racism Program

Cornell Cooperative Extension | Ulster County Act for Change Teen Anti-racism Program Are you interested in facilitating a virtual teen anti-racism group? Register for CCE’s free train-the-trainer series getting kicked off Feb 15th 2022 on Tuesdays at 3pm. Join...