Always There Sewing Circle Sews For Veterans

ALWAYS THERE SEWING CIRCLE BRIGHTENS THE HOLIDAYS FOR VETERANS If you listen closely, you might just hear the whir of sewing machines at the Always There Adult Day Program in Ellenville. That’s because Peg, Leni, Mary and Connie are busy sewing patchwork lap quilts...

Thank you Ghost Walkers!

Thank you to the following businesses and organizations for supporting the Ghost Walk: Depuy Canal House Chefs on Fire Barking Dog Antiques High Falls Cafe High Falls Civic Association The Rondout Valley School District Special thanks to the hosts and sponsors of the...

Donations of Dignity – Thank you!

THANK YOU! to all who have contributed and spread the word about our county-wide ‘Donation of Dignity” Personal Care Drive! Some happy stories: *Ulster County Office Building -Thank you Nina Postupack and UC staff- Donations to Family’s Domestic...