Second Anniversary Celebration for SAVE THEM NOW

Saturday, February 28th, 2009 7:00pm Dinner at Queens Galley 254 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY (on the corner of Main St. & Washington Ave) Save Them Now celebrated its 2nd anniversary Saturday night, Feb 28th at Queens Galley. The organization provides...

Women’s Studio Workshop’s 12th Annual Chili Bowl Fiesta

Saturday, February 28, 2009 Rosendale Recreation Center on Rt 32 2-4pm Early Admission is $5 4-7pm Free Admission with live music by Dog on Fleas & Ratboy Jr Please join us on Saturday, February 28th, for Women’s Studio Workshop’s 12th Annual Chili...

Project Coats

Yesterday, February 9, 2009 UlsterCorps volunteers picked up over 800 youth winter jackets from a warehouse in NJ and delivered them to service agencies throughout Ulster County including Family, Planned Parenthood, Rural & Migrant Ministry, Harbor Program of MHA...

10th Annual UCSPCA Fur Ball

March 21, 2009, 5:30pm Holiday Inn in Kingston, NY. Calling all Artists and Businesses! This is an important fundraiser for us, and Ulster County’s best silent auction with over 300 quality items. We need your help, donations & volunteers. Please call 331-5377...