Garden Day 2009

Keep Your Garden Green, Without Spending Lots of Green Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County’s Master Gardeners will help garden enthusiasts with money saving gardening advice at Garden Day 2009. This day long event will take place on Saturday, April 25 in...

RSVP Volunteer Orientation & Upcoming Events

Senior Corps – RSVP Volunteer Orientation April 23 10-12am BRC Conference Room 108. Volunteer Recognition & Awards Ceremony August 12 Hillside Manor, @ 11:30. Pen Pal Picnic June 18 Hudson River Maritime Museum RSVP of Ulster County...

Volunteers Needed for Women’s Health & Fitness Expo

Save the Date… Women’s Health & Fitness Expo 2010 Info from 2009: Volunteers needed 3 days and multiple shifts: Wednesday, April 29th, 2009: Stuffing goody bags Shift: 4-7 pm (after school and work!) Duties include: Placing tables together, stacking...

TOWARDS A NEW ECONOMICS: a community conversation

TOWARDS A NEW ECONOMICS Transparency & Sharing Join us for a community conversation Sunday May 3, 2009 4-6:00 PM Lifebridge Sanctuary 333 Mountain Road Rosendale, NY 12472 GUEST SPEAKERS: KRISTINE FLONES Woodstock TimeBank Local Currency DAVID McCARTHY Buddhist...


Fri., April 24th & Sun., April 26th, 9am-4pm. SEEDLING POTTING EVENT. Location: NYSDEC Region III, New Paltz. The Hudson River Estuary Program will be potting-up bareroot seedlings for their “Trees for Tribs” initiative in celebration of Arbor Day (April...