Aug 4, 2009
Please contribute your story to the UlsterCorps Celebration of Service Quilt The mission of the Quilt project is to recognize and remember those who have volunteered, to educate about the importance of service, and to inspire others to become more involved. One of our...
Jul 30, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009 Raindate: August 2 Visit 5 local organic home vegetable gardens, including that of garden expert and author, Lee Reich. What better way to get inspired and learn how to grow your own, than to receive a personal tour of several different,...
Jul 30, 2009
The Alzheimer’s Association will be holding the annual Memory Walk Fundraising Event at Ulster County Community College on Saturday, October 24th. Memory Walk raises critical funds that allow the Alzheimer’s Association to provide support services to...
Jul 22, 2009
Saturday, July 25 On Sat. July 25th spend a day of fun on a personal farm-to-table tour! Meet RVGA farmers on the farmland where their families have farmed for generations. Sample and take home produce and learn about local food specialties and agriculture practices...
Jul 19, 2009
The SUNY New Paltz Career Resource Center Presents THE FIRST ANNUAL VOLUNTEER FAIR Tuesday, September 15, 2009   10:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.  Lecture Center Lobbies SUNY New Paltz Campus, New Paltz, NY Please share your volunteer...
Jul 16, 2009
July 6th-August 14th 2009 Coordinated by UlsterCorps Hosted by Second Chance4Me, Seven21 Media Center, Kingston, NY Summer 2009 Watch Excerpts from the interviews created by the students UlsterCorps expanded Harvesting a Lifetime to include a youth media training...