Kingston Eats

The Kingston Eats team is looking for champions in the community! What is Kingston Eats? Kingston Eats is a Kingston-wide Harvest of the Month campaign that encourages healthy eating through fun and joy. Our campaign is in schools, food pantries, restaurants,...

A Home Within, Ulster County

A Home Within, Ulster County A Home Within is a national nonprofit founded to provide free psychotherapy “for as long as it takes” for any child or adult who has spent time in foster care or kinship care.  Continuity in psychotherapy is...

Farm to Food Pantry Blueberry Gleaning

When: Monday and Wednesday mornings, 9-11am from end of June to early August Where: Hudson Valley Farm Hub Farm Stand 2324 US-209, Hurley, NY Please join us for blueberry gleaning at the Hudson Valley Farm Hub Farm Stand, 2324 US-209, Hurley, NY, Monday and Wednesday...

Volunteers needed for KCSD Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County is seeking volunteers for the Kingston City School District Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program. They are looking for a handful of volunteers, at least 4 but as many as 10 to help out at George Washington, Edson, and JFK...

CCE Act for Change Teen Anti-racism Program

Cornell Cooperative Extension | Ulster County Act for Change Teen Anti-racism Program Are you interested in facilitating a virtual teen anti-racism group? Register for CCE’s free train-the-trainer series getting kicked off Feb 15th 2022 on Tuesdays at 3pm. Join...