Hudson Valley Materials Exchange seeks volunteers

Hudson Valley Materials Exchange is in desparate need of volunteers to help us finish our move. Help moving materials, painting inside of storage trailers, outreach and fundraising are needed. Our most immediate need is help moving materials and painting. Volunteers...

Earth Day – April 22, 2009

To celebrate Earth Day 2009 UlsterCorps will be featuring service events at various parks, campuses and green agencies throughout the county. We are asking to to save the date and participate! If you are planning an Earth Day event, please contact us so we can help...

Early Head Start/Head Start Searching For Volunteers

UCCAC, Inc. Early Head Start/Head Start is searching for volunteers throughout Ulster County. The Kingston Childrens Learning Center located 175 Colonial Drive , Kingston is especially in need of volunteers for the classroom. Volunteers assist in the classroom, help...

2009 Senior Citizen Award

Hello Everyone, Once again, the Ulster County Office for the Aging Advisory Council is currently accepting nominations for the Senior Citizens of the Year Award. We are pleased to inform you that May 6th, is Senior Citizens Recognition Day at the Empire State Plaza...

Second Anniversary Celebration for SAVE THEM NOW

Saturday, February 28th, 2009 7:00pm Dinner at Queens Galley 254 Washington Avenue, Kingston, NY (on the corner of Main St. & Washington Ave) Save Them Now celebrated its 2nd anniversary Saturday night, Feb 28th at Queens Galley. The organization provides...