Kingston Children’s City Garden – volunteer days

At the Kingston Children’s City Garden on South Pine off of Greenkill Avenue, there are fences to paint and soil to add for late season plants! (the children’s garden is across the street from Binnewater at 26 South Pine Street, Kingston). I just returned from...

Harvesting a Lifetime Summer Youth Workshop

July 6th-August 14th 2009 Coordinated by UlsterCorps Hosted by Second Chance4Me, Seven21 Media Center, Kingston, NY Summer 2009 Watch Excerpts from the interviews created by the students UlsterCorps expanded Harvesting a Lifetime to include a youth media training...

Pickling & Canning Workshop at Phillies Bridge Farm

Thursday July 30th at 6:30pm Come learn how to preserve the tastes of summer for yourself! De-mystify the process Master the basics Hear tips and share in the knowledge of Phillies Bridge Farm members who are “enthusiasts” about pickling, canning, jamming,...

Family Masquerade Gala

please note: this event has been cancelled. Family is putting a fundraising Masquerade Gala on October 3rd at the Rosendale Rec. Center. The lead person on this, Kelly Clark, needs volunteers to help. What she needs are: – Bartenders-TIPS certified – 3...