Nov 12, 2009
Volunteering is not only a fulfilling way to spend your spare time, but it can also help build a resume or fufill community service hours for school or court. The NPYP participates in most town events including the Taste of New Paltz, Unity In Diversity Festival, 4th...
Nov 11, 2009
The Ulster County CA$H Coalition, led by the United Way of Ulster County, is seeking qualified volunteers to provide free tax preparation services to low-income individuals and families so that they can receive the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Volunteer training...
Nov 4, 2009
YWCA of ULSTER COUNTY WISH LIST DRIVE Sponsored by the KHS Field Hockey Program Please join us on Sunday, November 8th from 10AM – 3PM The Kingston Plaza Walgreens Location and Hannaford Location If you are able to help support our Community service project, please...
Nov 4, 2009
Thank you to the following businesses and organizations for supporting the Ghost Walk: Depuy Canal House Chefs on Fire Barking Dog Antiques High Falls Cafe High Falls Civic Association The Rondout Valley School District Special thanks to the hosts and sponsors of the...
Nov 3, 2009
Tomorrow, Wednesday 11/4/09 we have an opportunity to glean some of the last of this year’s harvest. We need at least 6 people to help. Sorry for the short notice but if you would like to participate, please call Susan at 845-657-5701. We will be meeting at 9am...
Nov 2, 2009
For more information on these programs, visit our website at Anyone interested or who has more questions may email Mary at or call 883-7286. 1 Homework Help Mentor. This position requires a person with the...