Farms to Food Pantries – Multi-County Apple Gleaning

On October 12th and 27th, UlsterCorps volunteers participated in a region-wide gleaning initiative. Stiles Najac, Food Security Coorindator for CCE Orange, contacted us about a farmer in Columbia County who was willing to let us glean at his orchard. We put together a...

Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary Mid-Winter Cleaning

Monday January 18th, 2010, 11am-5pm 35 Van Wagner, Willow, NY (7.2 miles west on 212 from Woodstock) . Map Volunteers of all ages needed to assist with a Mid Winter Cleaning at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary. We’ll be cleaning our two biggest barns, the pig...


Monday, January 18th, 3 pm Featuring Kim and Reggie Harris, Rabbi Jonathan Kligler special guest Pete Seeger plus Bill & Livia Vanaver & Caravan Kids, Ulster County Community Outreach Choir, Woodstock Jewish Congregation Youth Choir, New Progressive Baptist...

Berkshire Homeward Bound seeks volunteer mentors

Berkshire Homeward Bound seeks male mentors to assist teenage males residing at Berkshire Farm’s Residential Treatment Center with the transition back to their homes in Ulster County. At this time, two mentors are needed in Ulster County, one in Kingston and one...

Rosendale Food Pantry seeks volunteers, donations

The Rosendale Food Pantry will be open from 9am-1pm Martin Luther King Jr National Service Day, Monday January 18th. Stop by to drop off a donation from their wish list below or to get more information about volunteering. The pantry is currently seeking three new...