Opening on Town of New Paltz Environmental Conservation Board

There is an opening on the Town of New Paltz Environmental Conservation Board. The volunteer serves by appointment, and must be a Town resident. No special qualifications are needed. Meetings are at 7:00 P. M. on the first Wednesday of every month. The EnCB is...

Liberty View Farm Volunteers

Learn & have a great time on our beautiful farm! Please note: The Open House has been postponed because of all the snow we still have! and so as not to conflict with the Global Food Crisis Conference at SUNY New Paltz. We will post the new dates soon –...

Phillies Bridge Farm Project Farm to Families Fundraiser Dinner

Help provide Ulster County families in need with fresh produce DATE: Thursday, March 25, 2010 TIME: 6 pm LOCATION: Main Course in New Paltz Tickets are $125 each For more information or to buy your ticket click here. Phillies Bridge Farm Project...

First Saturday Art Receptions, Kingston

First Saturday Art Receptions held throughout Kingston in various galleries 5:00-8:00 PM; 338-0331 see for schedule Gallery Guide Lou Spina’s 721 Loft Gallery ste.260 ph# 331-7955, @721 Broadway Kingston, participates in the Hudson Valley...