Jan 22, 2010
The Hotline training will begin January 30th 2010. Please call Tamara or Sue at 845.679.2485 if you have staff or know any volunteers that you would like to have trained. FAMILY’s Volunteer Training is offered during the year at each of the Hotline/Walk-In Centers....
Jan 22, 2010
Donations needed in New Paltz by Monday morning, January 18th! New Paltz resident, Anthropologist, and CUNY-York College professor Mark Schuller, has worked for many years in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Mark was not in Haiti for the devastating earthquake that occurred...
Jan 14, 2010
Nex 2 B Read Club KHS/KCH/POOK Youth performances to benefit the people of Haiti February 4th, 2010, 6-8pm, Kingston Rondout Neighborhood Center, 105 Broadway, Kingston. Haitian People’s Support Project (Woodstock) needs your help Terry and Pierre LeRoy have...
Jan 13, 2010
Monday January 18th, 11am-2pm 39 John Street, Kingston. 331-7080. Volunteers to help with shredding and other office tasks would be SOOOO appreciated! RSVP. www.familyofwoodstockinc.org
Dec 31, 2009
The Rosendale Food Pantry will be open from 9am-1pm Martin Luther King Jr National Service Day, Monday January 18th. Stop by to drop off a donation from their wish list below or to get more information about volunteering. The pantry is currently seeking three new...
Dec 28, 2009
Ulster County Area Transit Jan 06, 2010 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM 1 Danny Circle Kingston, NY All presenting donors will receive a coupon to be redeemed for a pound of Dunkin Donuts coffee! VFW Kingston Jan 11, 2010 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM 708 East Chester Street...