Family of Woodstock Fundraiser House Party

The New Ulster Marina Moira Dwyer’s House- (Adolescent Services) 440 Abeel Street Kingston NY 12401 March 21st @ 8:00pm $5.00 per person Bring Your Friends! Park In The Street! Be Ready To Dance!

Project Coats

Yesterday, February 9, 2009 UlsterCorps volunteers picked up over 800 youth winter jackets from a warehouse in NJ and delivered them to service agencies throughout Ulster County including Family, Planned Parenthood, Rural & Migrant Ministry, Harbor Program of MHA...

Family of New Paltz SOS!

1/22 – UPDATE – Mission Accomplished! Roger Srigley from Accord was here at Family of New Paltz bright and early. He is a very kind gentleman and did excellent work. I am grateful to have access to this network of potential volunteers. What a wonderful and...

Help Wanted at Family

Volunteering at Family has tremendous benefits: It’s a great way to get to know people in your community. It’s a chance to learn new skills while making a difference. It’s a way to contribute where you live. Ready to get started? Here are a few ways you can help out:...