From Ulster Literacy Association:

Good news for students on the Ulster Literacy Association waiting list! Eleven will soon be matched with a one-to-one tutor from ULA’s tuto training program. Enrollment in the program was greatly boosted by UlsterCorps Volunteers and the Martin Luther King Day...

Project Hope Women’s Mentoring Orientation 1/31

Saturday, January 31st from 10am -11:30am Business Resource Center on Ulster Avenue, Kingston Project Hope is the new women’s mentoring program recently established by HOPE’s Fund, a United Way collaborative. The program is intended to provide support,...

Opportunity for Artists

Artists are invited to submit works that explore the history, people, ecology, landscape, industry, conservation, and politics of the Hudson River. The River is held in conjunction with the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson’s explorations in 1609 and Dutch...

ULA January 2009 Tutor Training

Ulster Literacy Association January 2009 Tutor Training Wednesday Jan 21, Thursday Jan 22, Friday Jan 23. Snow date: Tuesday Jan 27 8:30-3:30 on all dates The Tutor Training Workshop is 18 hours and is held at the ULA office: 635 Broadway Kingston New York 12401...