Call for Volunteers for City of Kingston Complete Streets Advisory Council

Oct 3, 2012

Call for Volunteers for City of Kingston Complete Streets Advisory Council

In November 2010 the City of Kingston Common Council adopted a ‘Complete Streets’ resolution which included formation of a Complete Streets Advisory Council. Now after two years of committee activity, there is a call for potential volunteers to serve vacancies on Kingston’s Complete Streets Advisory Council.

Complete Streets are roads designed, built and operated to provide safe and convenient travel for all users, including walkers, bicyclists and transit users of all ages and abilities, including children, older adults and persons with disabilities. Fuller use of city streets provides choice, aids safety, and supports quality development, including fostering healthy and sustainable neighborhoods and transportation environments.

Regarding the initiative, Mayor Gallo notes: “Kingston’s neighborhoods and its business districts benefit from complete streets. Besides numerous kids and older persons who do not drive and depend on quality streets, there are many residents who prefer to get outside and walk and bike more often as a way to save money, see their neighbors and live healthily. The Complete Streets Advisory Council is helping ensure that Kingston’s streets support people, not just autos.”

The Advisory Council is a city resource on active transportation. It explores the potential to advance Complete Streets practices by partnering with city staff and area non-profits. Ways the group has educated and advocated for Complete Streets include: providing suggestions on policies and priorities by identifying projects that advance fuller mobility and accessibility on city streets; promoting education and programs on active transportation; and evaluating how the transport network serves users.

Interested persons are encouraged to review Resolution #196 of 2010 and fill out an application to serve on the Complete Streets Advisory Council (accessed at: and also under ‘Complete Streets’ at

Applications should be received in the City Office of Economic Development and Strategic Partnerships by October 29, 2012. For more information on Complete Streets, contact Gregg Swanzey, Director, at the City’s Office of Economic Development and Strategic Partnerships, at or 334-3962, or David Gilmour, Complete Streets liaison at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County’s Healthy Kingston for Kids initiative, at (845) 255-6528 or

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