Breast Cancer Options / Camp Lightheart seeks volunteers

Jul 29, 2011

Breast Cancer Options seeks volunteers to help with office work and FREE summer camp for the children of breast cancer survivors.

If you can help, please contact Hope at 845/339-HOPE (4673)

CAMP LIGHTHEART for the children of breast cancer survivors
WHEN: August 23- August 26, 2011
WHERE: Omega Institute, Rhinebeck NY Campus
CAMP LIGHTHEART is a place for kids from 8-15 who have a mother with breast cancer
Campers are in a safe, nurturing and fun-loving environment with a professional staff. Camp provides a chance to meet other kids who are living with a parent diagnosed with cancer. There are very few services for children of women diagnosed with the disease. Many are living with the fear that they will lose their parent.

Space is limited. Camp is FREE and open to children from the Hudson Valley first and then on a case-by-basis. If you know of a child that might benefit from this experience please contact us at 845-339-HOPE or see our website:

Breast Cancer Options is an organization of survivors and their supporters who understand that a woman diagnosed with breast cancer is suddenly faced with some of the most important decisions she will ever make about her own healthcare.

Hope Nemiroff
Executive Director Breast Cancer Options
101 Hurley Ave., Suite 10
Kingston NY 12401
ph: 845/339-HOPE (4673)
fax: 845/339-6784

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